Friday, August 20, 2010


To celebrate Grandma Jackie's Birthday
Mike's sister, Michele, came out from Ohio and we
took a little trip to Mendocino.
It was pretty foggy when we got to the beach,
but we still had to get out and play in the sand - especially Logan.

He got a lift from dad to get back in the car
without all the sand on his feet.

Our next stop was the Point Cabrillo Lighthouse.
It was a nice little walk to the lighthouse with
little trivia signs along the way.

Aunt Michele and Kaitlyn picking blackberries along the way.

There was a little building before the lighthouse that
had lots of shells and a sign that said "touch".
They didn't have to tell Kaitlyn and Logan twice.

Point Cabrillo Lighthouse

Mike, his sister Michele and his mom Jackie

Next stop...Glass Beach

We expected it to be a little better, but it was still fun.
We went during low tide and had fun looking for creatures.
Logan found some little minnows and was determined to catch one.

Sure enough just when we were getting ready to leave he caught one.
You can't really tell from this picture, but along with the little rocks was
a teeny little moving fish.

After Glass Beach we went out for dinner
and then swimming in the pool at the hotel.
We all had a great day!

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