Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back To School...

I still can't believe it, but Kaitlyn and Logan
are already back in school.
Logan is in 4th grade now.
He is very sad that he has to wear uniforms this year
and he was hoping for a different teacher,
but we'll cross our fingers that it turns out to be a good year anyway.

Kaitlyn is now in 8th grade.
How and why did that happen?
I still don't think I have recovered from her
first day of kindergarten and
can't believe she will be in high school next year.

After a successful first day we celebrated with
our chalkboard brownies!

1 comment:

Gwilliam Fam said...

Cute back to school day picts! I can't believe Kaitlyn is in 8th either. Crazy! They look adorable. Love Logan's freckles.