Friday, June 28, 2013

Yellowstone, Day 2

Our first day in Yellowstone we were excited to see the buffalo, but that was from a distance.  On our second day it was amazing to see them so close.  This one was just walking along the side of the road.  He was right outside our car window - close enough to touch.


Then he decided to cross to the other side of the road...

and just kept on walking as if we weren't even there.

Another amazing buffalo citing!
Waiting with the cousins for Old Faithful
Max, Tanner, Brinley, Sam, Logan and Blake

Old Faithful


Kaitlyn, Aubrey and Logan

                Grandma with Aubrey and Brinley

One last shot of some more buffalo as we exited the park.
 We had a great day enjoying the beautiful scenery with our family!!

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