Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cub Scouts...Start Your Engines

We were all excited to work on Logan's final Pinewood Derby car of his Cub Scout career. Logan knew what he wanted his car to look alike right away. Once again Logan relied on grandpa's skills and power tools to do the body work.

Dad and Logan worked hard on the paint job.

The finished product

The big night finally arrived. There was a lot of excitement and some nervous tension in the room.

Believe it or not...


He was so excited!

So glad that Logan once again had a great pit crew to help him.

Logan brought all of the cars he has made and raced them down the track. He went from the turtle race his first year (the race to determine the slowest car) to 2nd place the next year and finished up his Pinewood Derby career with a 1st place victory.

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