Saturday, October 16, 2010


Logan is turning 10!

OK, I know he doesn't actually turn 10 until December 15th,
but I can't have a backyard birthday party in December and I love
our backyard parties so we decided to celebrate 2 months early
while we still have nice weather.

We went with a Halloween theme and sent out coffin invitations
and made R.I.P. cupcakes.

We put spiderwebs all over the backyard.

The party started out with pizza.
(In case you're wondering Logan has one of the plastic bugs
we decorated the table with on his forehead).

Next up...GAMES!
We started with the Mummy Wrap...

They all seemed to have a great time wrapping each other up like mummies.

Next up the donut eating competition...

We all loved the minute-to-win-it cotton ball game we played at our
family reunion so we decided to play it again at Logan's party.

Opening presents

Cupcakes and ice cream

By this time it was dark outside so I gave the kids a bunch of glowsticks
and put glowsticks around a ball and on our volleyball net and they
ran around the backyard having fun in the dark.
Unfortunately the pictures of this part didn't turn out,
but I did get Kaitlyn and Mallory showing off their glowsticks.

We were all happy with how it turned out and best of all,
I can take one thing off my list for December.


Aub said...

That looks like such a fun birthday/halloween party. I will have to steal some of those ideas for in the future.

Gwilliam Fam said...

Very fun and creative! Great invitations, decorations and cupcakes. I love the two month early idea too...especially w/ a December b-day.