Santa found us...
He brought Kaitlyn a camera and Bop-it...
Logan got a Nintendo DS
(but apparently if Santa were real it would have been a black one?)
We got a lot of new games this Christmas.
Aunt Michele and Uncle Don came all the way from Ohio
and played lots of games with us.
Logan gave Kaitlyn Othelo.
Kaitlyn gave Logan a chess set
Logan gave dad a new Nerf gun. He wasn't sure he wanted him to have a rapid fire gun or not, but decided the Vulcan could handle the competition.
Our Christmas placecards.
They turned out very cute thanks to Kaitlyn and Martha!
Many rounds of Liars Dice were played too.
It was the first Christmas in years that Mike was able
to be with his mom and sister.
We all had a nice relaxing Christmas day together!!!
Wow it looks like everyone got what they really wanted!
Nerf guns seem to be a common theme this year! Glad you guys had a great Christmas :)
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