Young Women's
Halloween Party 2009
surprised to see me dress up for the party. Logan cracked himself up when he saw me after the party - he said, "so did you have fun at the party you big baby?" He thought he was so funny.
At the party we served spaghetti (brains), salad and garlic bread. We decorated cupcakes for dessert. Kaitlyn and I made chocolate covered pretzels to give to the girls. They were in the shape of ghosts and haunted mansions.
The apple juice was spiked with a little dry ice - very cool.
Kara as Raggedy Ann
The Hobo and the Hillbilly (Madisen and Kaitlyn)
Joann and Madalyn
Taylor and Jackie
Loved the baby costume and Logan's comment about the "big baby" was to cute! Love the new back ground-very cute! I know- I will get blogging soon, I had to teach Relief Society on Sunday, you know how that consumes your whole week!
Are you in YW now Karol? Or was this a mother/daughter activity?
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