Monday, October 12, 2009

Believe it or not...

that is a cast on Logan's arm. I recently posted an entry about our new trampoline. I stupidly wrote that we had no injuries yet - the next day, yes I said it, the very next day I had to eat my words as I was driving Logan to the emergency room.
Here's what happened...we happily put up our new trampoline on a Saturday, I posted it on our blog on Sunday, when Mike got home from work on Monday we decided to go play on the trampoline. I was jumping with Mike and Logan, when one of them suggested we play "crack the egg". Logan and I were the eggs, Mike jumped to crack one of the eggs and lets just say it was a success! Logan and I went flying in the air and I landed on Logan - he started crying right away and it wasn't a good cry. I tried my best to calm him down and to get his mind off of it hoping it would all go away, but no such luck.
The x-rays showed it was broken.
Fortunately he only has to have the cast on for 3 weeks so he won't completely miss the rest of soccer season.

Logan did not like the "For Sale" sign in front of the trampoline idea, he tore it up as soon as the photo shoot was over. We are keeping the trampoline, but you might ask, Karol, have you gotten back on the trampoline yet? My answer - heck no!


Kris said...

I am Laughing out loud....just wait until I tell Eric that Logan broke his arm b/c you and Mike were playing crack the egg and you just happened to land on him....Oh, you are never going to live this one down!!!!

Madisen Wright said...

Love the for sale sign!

Gwilliam Fam said...

Bad, bad, bad! Poor Logan...and of course you...we had a friend who was lightly bouncing w/ her 3 year old daughter....and the little girl started screaming out of the blue....she was in a cast from ankle to HIP for 2 months! I hope Logan is feeling better. I really enjoyed reading your blog tonight Karol! You and Kaitlyn are jamming!

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