Monday, May 16, 2011

"Sleep" Over

Several months ago our Young Women started working on earning a sleepover.

The big day finally arrived and they all seemed to have a great time.

There was lots of visiting, food, some games and very

little sleep - the perfect definition of a sleepover.

A seriously competitive game of spoons was played.

It came down to Taylor and Sister Evans

(the 2 most competitive ones in the group of course).

Sister Evans was the champion.

We then decided to teach the girls how to TP.

As all good young women's leaders should do :)

We weren't at all quiet, but we had fun and even took a

group picture in front of the house.

Who does that?

Next time we'll have to teach them to be a little more sneaky.

Many of the girls made a goal to pull an all nighter.

We're all about teaching them to make and keep goals in young women's!?!

So I let them go for it - but at 5:00am I did tell them I don't care if they

stay up all night as long as I don't know they are doing it.

Some of them were successful at achieving their goal.

They are an awesome group of girls and I'm so glad we

were able to have so much fun together!!

1 comment:

Madisen Wright said...

so much fun... you are the best host and a great YW leader... madie had a blast... julie